Desperate Girls

The Badi Girls

Between 7,000 and 12,000 young girls, aged 9-16, are trafficked each year from Nepal; mainly to India. According to Nepal Monitor/On line journal, 2007, there are more than 200,000 Nepali girls in Indian brothels.

The Dalits(untouchables) are the lowest level in Hindu society, and the Badi community, in Western Nepal, are the lowest of the low. As a displaced hungry people group the Badi community has made sexual subservience a way of life. Young girls from this group “serve” other groups. This has become a tradition and means of livelihood. Many girls, even when they are unwilling, are forced to serve as sex slaves. Family members knowingly sell their daughters to traffickers.

Though prostitution is illegal in Nepal, the industry reportedly has links with highly ranked officials and political leaders. Large groups of girls are taken across the border with many police and government officials being in collusion with traffickers and brothel owners.

Traffickers and related criminals are often protected by political parties, and if arrested, are freed using political power. As a result, there is an underlying distrust of police that has led people not to file cases against traffickers.

Domestic action involves activities of NGO’s and other volunteer groups. These groups are playing a major role to address girl-trafficking and sex slaves issues. Some NGO’s are playing a very important role to improve the situation. From creating social awareness to rescuing and rehabilitation, they are providing services (and relief) to those that need it the most – the likely victims as well as the rescued ones. The Lighthouse foundation is one of these.

*See Chandra Kala’s story on this blog site.

Friday, 3 April 2015

April Team News

Some things never cease to amaze, the mass of cables and mayhem that is strung overhead to carry electricity, telephone and adsl lines in Kathmandu is one of those enigmas. Team member Poppy Parry enthralled by the hive of activity at the top of the ladder needed photographic proof for his friends back home that this sort of network system actually existed

April team is underway, a special thank you to Gordon and Ruth Harriot (pictured) who have been here for a month setting up computer systems along with some training with the IT teacher at CCS. Ruth as a TESOL teacher has been running IELTS programs with students seeking to train in Indonesia as future CCS teaching staff. Such a massive blessing to the ministry with the potential to change lives, communities and even a nation. 

The weather has seen cool mornings and evenings with mid twenties during the days. It is dry, dusty and heavy smog until this evening, with a thunderstorm rumbling through settling the atmosphere incredibly.

Flying in and then heading off on foot up through the hustle and bustle of Boudha road on into Baht Bathani to restock groceries in readiness for further team members arriving over the coming days we enjoyed a 'returning home' sensation. Being able to love a people group makes all the hard work that much easier.


Nepals most photographed baby Nelson is melting hearts each time he toddles in for a visit. For all of those keen to see how much he has grown here he is in a traditional Nepali outfit helping Poppy to show off their new Toppy's. Chatting away endlessly Nelson has a major in cuteness. Clomping around in shoes is another past time he enjoys immensely. 


Please uphold the April team in prayer. Pray for those en route and for those with specialised roles. Remember to pray for the students and children as team members build into their lives.

Till next time.

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