Girls delighted at their sponsor letters delivered to them yesterday. Everyone crowds around trying to get a look at the pictures of the sponsors and their families.
Our lovely young manager at the guesthouse with his pretty wife and little son Nelson (after Mandella). They were off to a family wedding today in all their finery. He was meeting some of the in-laws for the first time, and was a little apprehensive.
Everything in Nepal is over the top colour. This house is bright blue, with bright orange in the stairwell and lime green inside the rooms. Part of the house is tiled outside to keep grandma happy. She wanted the whole house tiled, but it was too expensive,so part of the front was tiled, to honour her request. You see, I keep up with the local gossip. Today, I spent most of the day interviewing some of the girls we sponsor. As we have around 200 girls, plus boys and babies, it is quite a lot to keep up with. We try to do interviews each time we are here. Grahame was supposed to fly out south today to inspect a project out there. He arrived at the airport at 11a.m.and there was an announcement that the flight had been cancelled at 3 pm. because of fog at the other end. So four hours sitting in the airport. Par for the course here. Just shrug it off and do the next thing. We have been invited out for dinner tomorrow night with a lovely family we have had a lot to do with. It will be our last night here. We fly to Myanmar on Tuesday evening for 8 days. Robyn
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