Desperate Girls

The Badi Girls

Between 7,000 and 12,000 young girls, aged 9-16, are trafficked each year from Nepal; mainly to India. According to Nepal Monitor/On line journal, 2007, there are more than 200,000 Nepali girls in Indian brothels.

The Dalits(untouchables) are the lowest level in Hindu society, and the Badi community, in Western Nepal, are the lowest of the low. As a displaced hungry people group the Badi community has made sexual subservience a way of life. Young girls from this group “serve” other groups. This has become a tradition and means of livelihood. Many girls, even when they are unwilling, are forced to serve as sex slaves. Family members knowingly sell their daughters to traffickers.

Though prostitution is illegal in Nepal, the industry reportedly has links with highly ranked officials and political leaders. Large groups of girls are taken across the border with many police and government officials being in collusion with traffickers and brothel owners.

Traffickers and related criminals are often protected by political parties, and if arrested, are freed using political power. As a result, there is an underlying distrust of police that has led people not to file cases against traffickers.

Domestic action involves activities of NGO’s and other volunteer groups. These groups are playing a major role to address girl-trafficking and sex slaves issues. Some NGO’s are playing a very important role to improve the situation. From creating social awareness to rescuing and rehabilitation, they are providing services (and relief) to those that need it the most – the likely victims as well as the rescued ones. The Lighthouse foundation is one of these.

*See Chandra Kala’s story on this blog site.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Sunday 7th dolls, bickies, and motor bike ride.

Another sweltering day, but it didn't dampen the enthusiasm of our little self defence class.  As I was otherwise occupied with my own classes  and duties, I didn't get a picture.  But tomorrow, I have some time to pop into the class.  Gloria is with her small class in the kitchen.  There will be more girls joining soon.  One of my beautiful girls on the sewing machine making a start on her doll.  This afternoon, I had to go to one of our hostels to update photos and details of our girls there.  I was picked up by one of the house fathers on his motorbike.  I was quite apprehensive, but I found it quite exhilarating, dodging through the traffic, between busses, cars, bikes and other manner of traffic on the main road.  I can't wait to do it again.  Grahame as a full day teaching at the Bible college tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Go Robbie, you might as well buy a leather jacket while your there and i will see about a Harley Davidson being delivered to your house on your return! Biker chics rock!
    Showering here today and last night so your gardens are looking great.
