I was very nervous but thought I would start the teaching session with a song - I do not have a great voice and it is even harder with nerves but the second time they joined in and their lovely voices encouraged me a lot. The teachers were hesitant to participate initially but with lots of encouragement and some smiley stamps (!) they became more animated and eagerly relayed what their peers had said in a think,pair, share activity and I learned that nearly all of them leave school at 5 and then help their mothers or in-laws with chores,shopping and dinner, study, cyber and then sleep and then early in the morning prepare food for the family and tomorrow get up and do it all again. Some of the teachers travel for one hour each way to school. they certainly are dedicated and it encourages me to see how committed they are to their jobs.
We talked about the two parts of spelling; phonics -the sound and phonemes - the formation and knowledge of the letters. We then had a go at listening to sounds and spoke about the importance of listening well. We had a bit of fun doing a Mr Tongue rhyme which helps students practice correct tongue positions for different sounds. We made plenty of time to see their rooms and talk about what they currently do in their classes I have many ideas running around in my head now for today. I am keen to get their students moving and as they are my students at the moment we will be having some fun and learning today as we do many simple fine motor activities that they can easily prepare for their own nursery and Kindergarten students to build their hand/wrist strength and co-ordination well before they start writing.
joanna henderson
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