Desperate Girls

The Badi Girls

Between 7,000 and 12,000 young girls, aged 9-16, are trafficked each year from Nepal; mainly to India. According to Nepal Monitor/On line journal, 2007, there are more than 200,000 Nepali girls in Indian brothels.

The Dalits(untouchables) are the lowest level in Hindu society, and the Badi community, in Western Nepal, are the lowest of the low. As a displaced hungry people group the Badi community has made sexual subservience a way of life. Young girls from this group “serve” other groups. This has become a tradition and means of livelihood. Many girls, even when they are unwilling, are forced to serve as sex slaves. Family members knowingly sell their daughters to traffickers.

Though prostitution is illegal in Nepal, the industry reportedly has links with highly ranked officials and political leaders. Large groups of girls are taken across the border with many police and government officials being in collusion with traffickers and brothel owners.

Traffickers and related criminals are often protected by political parties, and if arrested, are freed using political power. As a result, there is an underlying distrust of police that has led people not to file cases against traffickers.

Domestic action involves activities of NGO’s and other volunteer groups. These groups are playing a major role to address girl-trafficking and sex slaves issues. Some NGO’s are playing a very important role to improve the situation. From creating social awareness to rescuing and rehabilitation, they are providing services (and relief) to those that need it the most – the likely victims as well as the rescued ones. The Lighthouse foundation is one of these.

*See Chandra Kala’s story on this blog site.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

God at work in Nepal

Grahame has just phoned from the far reaches of Nepal where he is with Raju.  He preached in the village church of about 200, and one of the clan leaders committed his life to the Lord.  Apparently, he had asked for prayer the night before for some health problem, and he has the best night's sleep in a long time.  There was also a wedding after the service of two young people, from opposing clans, who had both been to bible college here in Kathmandu, so now the church has to set the example of being all one in Christ.  One church member also donated land for use for the church, about a residential block size, (ruparnee) and the man who had just come to the Lord has another block next door, and he says he will donate that also once they begin to do something with it.  Possibly for a school in the future.  Tomorrow, they move on to another area. Looking forward to hearing what great things are happening there.  There will be some changes with the two schools here.  Grade 3-6 will be at Tusal, and the lower grades will be at Mulpani.  Robita will be head there and Lalima will be principal at Tusal, but also head principal over all.  We bought a lovely cot with mosquito net and a little carry basket for the houseparents at Tusal.  It is their first baby, and they are doing such a wonderful job there with 40 girls.  They sleep on a mattress on the floor in a store room and have so little.  They were both beside themselves with joy .  It was such a blessing to us see the little expectant mother so delighted.  Agnes and I were having lunch at Nanglos, happily eating our chips and suddenly there was a great commotion  in the kitchen with half a dozen men jumping around and making noises, the security guard came running in.  The action shifted into the corner of the cafe and then behind a counter.  The waiter there who can speak came over with a big smile to reassure us not to worry, it was only a rat.  Agnes, Liat and I  took our sponsor girls out to lunch today after church.  One of the house mothers came, one of the male teachers and an Aussie girl who just happened to be there.  We all had a great time together and then we took the girls off to buy a pair of shoes each.  They couldn't get there fast enough.  Afterwards, they had an icecream cone, and then headed off to their various hostels.  We are always amused at the church announcements at Hosanna church.  It is a real Cecil De Milne film production.  There are flashing lights on the big screen, and whooshing noises and each announcement blasts onto the screen.  Two prayer points:-  There is a little child at Hosanna church who has cancer in her eye and she  had an operation this week.  She was next to me in church this morning and one eye is just milky white Please pray the operation is a success.  Secondly,  Tusal school opens on the 16th April.  There is much organisation to be done.  Please pray for Lalima and Robita.


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