Desperate Girls

The Badi Girls

Between 7,000 and 12,000 young girls, aged 9-16, are trafficked each year from Nepal; mainly to India. According to Nepal Monitor/On line journal, 2007, there are more than 200,000 Nepali girls in Indian brothels.

The Dalits(untouchables) are the lowest level in Hindu society, and the Badi community, in Western Nepal, are the lowest of the low. As a displaced hungry people group the Badi community has made sexual subservience a way of life. Young girls from this group “serve” other groups. This has become a tradition and means of livelihood. Many girls, even when they are unwilling, are forced to serve as sex slaves. Family members knowingly sell their daughters to traffickers.

Though prostitution is illegal in Nepal, the industry reportedly has links with highly ranked officials and political leaders. Large groups of girls are taken across the border with many police and government officials being in collusion with traffickers and brothel owners.

Traffickers and related criminals are often protected by political parties, and if arrested, are freed using political power. As a result, there is an underlying distrust of police that has led people not to file cases against traffickers.

Domestic action involves activities of NGO’s and other volunteer groups. These groups are playing a major role to address girl-trafficking and sex slaves issues. Some NGO’s are playing a very important role to improve the situation. From creating social awareness to rescuing and rehabilitation, they are providing services (and relief) to those that need it the most – the likely victims as well as the rescued ones. The Lighthouse foundation is one of these.

*See Chandra Kala’s story on this blog site.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Oct., 12th, Home again.

It is Sunday morning, and all the groups have arrived safely in Oz. weary, but feeling much was accomplished.  It was nice to wake up to serenity, with only the birds in the trees out the back of our house.  When  we walk in the door, we are again confronted with how well off we are, after being in Nepal where people live in such need. I don't miss the 5 a.m. hacking and spitting, the roosters, and the beeping vehicles, tooting as they approach each turn in our narrow lane to warn any oncoming cars or bikes.  It is also nice to come to back clean streets, law and order on the roads, and an organised society.  But chaos, colour, unpredictability, warm smiles, restored  lives, and joy are all part of the appeal.  I shed some tears saying goodbye to those we love, those courageous women and girls whom are getting on with life, after all they have been through.  They are my heroes.  Grahame  is going back on 5th of November, firstly to China, to address a conference of Christian Education, and then on to Nepal for another 3weeks, as we have 3school teams coming consecutively.  We then return on 27th December for 4weeks, and then again March/April next year.  I hope the blog has enabled you to walk the journey with us a little bit.


Thursday, 10 October 2013

Thursday, 10th, Last day.

It is afternoon, and we are all weary from the last month.  Grahame returned from India quite exhausted.  So tragic to see what is happening to girls there.  The need is so overwhelming , it is easy to be discouraged but then I see our girls and women and babies here, and we just have to focus on that and rescue one at a time.  One of our new half-way house girls, only 14, told me her story today and the brutality to this sweet, tiny little girl is inconceivable.  She said she has only known hated and torture, but since being here she only knows, love,love,love.  This morning, Josh did a cooking class with about half a dozen of the women , including our beautiful little 14 year old.  They made chocolate muffins with whipped cream, and then made coffee on our snazzy coffee machine, and proudly delivered the food to everyone here.  The muffins were beautiful.
Josh and Aaron sang to them for a couple of hours afterwards.  They did'nt want to go home. It is so great to see them smiling and clapping along and having something good in their lives.  The young couple who caretaker here have been enjoying it too.  They have been such a great help to us when we need understanding of culture or help in any thing we need.  They are such humble, willing people.  We are not particularly looking forward to the flight home.  About 13 hours flying time plus a 6 hour stopover in Bangkok.

Muffin Class

Sunday, 6 October 2013


Early this morning as we all slept, we were wakened by the eerie call of Kangling. ( Blowing a human leg bone- preferably from a criminal), to summon the evil spirits. The feeling of evil was palpable in the air as the Buddhist wound his way through the streets causing all the dogs to bark. It was a reminder that our struggle is against the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in which this nation is steeped. 

As I sit here tonight, the final night of my 3 week visit , I am both sad and excited. Tomorrow I leave to return home to my husband, children and grandchildren who I can't wait to see. I am sad because this time has come to an end and I shall miss the many friends I have here. Working with the Halfway House women and girls and the Tusal Hostel girls has been wonderful. Of course the highlight has been spending time with my beautiful sponsor girl, Ruth. The essence of this amazing place does creep into your whole being, you want to be part of God's amazing transformation of this nation. This trip has been a journey of discovery about myself and what God wants me to do. I am often full of self doubt and unsure of where I fit in God's plan for Nepal but he gave me a verse some days ago.      1Cor 7v17. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live, obey, love and believe right there. I have no idea if I will return to Nepal (of course I want to), but I do know it has been a privilege to serve these people who are such humble servants themselves. As I leave this vibrant place, I pray The Lord will draw me closer to himself and that I will endeavour to live my life pleasing to him and in tune with his will for me. I am so going to miss the indescribable sights, sounds, smells and perpetual motion that is Kathmandu.                                                                  Lyn Carruthers.

Corrosion of Beauty

There are Beautiful mountains and scenery to write home about, but the sites are corroded by by man made litter that is discarded with no care to the future impact to their own "backyard"
There are Beautiful hearts in it's people, yet their future is corroded by slavery to man made gods and centuries of Hindu class separation, that cripples any vision of a better future.
And there are Beautiful young girls here that would capture you with a smile and haunt you with their eyes, yet man's lust has stripped the innocence away from so many of them, corroding their spirit and leaving them with a lifetime of nightmares crammed into a child's mind.

We are here in the name of Jesus, the Author of all things NEW.
We are witnesses to renewing of peoples minds.  We have seen God's grace, change the hearts of men, women and children.  We have had the joy of seeing the restoration of innocence in so many young girls, who had no shine left in their eyes when we met them.



Things I will and things I won't miss about Nepal.  

Grahame striding ahead in the distance a group behind trying to maintain pace while further back others looking around these strange environments taking it all in, at the rear I shuffle along at a steady pace keeping an eye on those looking everywhere but at their feet which on these rough tracks is often not the best idea. Some of our team have had some heavy falls and though I get the hurry up from time to time I prefer to keep a rear guard action and watch out for our stragglers.

It is hard not to spend to much time looking instead of watching your footing as the terrain and aesthetics are absolutely awe inspiring. Gods creation, mans ingenuity and social development, the landscape, the smells and the people make for some sensory confrontations. Trekking through this beautiful nation is something we will definitely miss.

On the topic of auditory confrontations we will not miss the early morning Nepali habit of clearing the throat with a dreadful hacking noise that would raise the deaf from sleep and then spitting all over the place, and then there are the men with the same habit.

Nepali 'road roulette' is another item we won't miss in a hurry, taking a breath every time a two lane track is turned into four lanes, at times all heading the same direction until oncoming traffic forces a hasty change, driving into pot holes and passing another car before climbing out of the pothole. Keeping left is obviously optional. Giving way to nothing except cattle. Merging means if put my hand out of the window and wave in a downward motion means I'm coming no matter what. Roundabouts generate the most inspirational driving we've ever seen, there is no sense of driving around the roundabout to an exit when you can cut across four lanes heading in the wrong direction to make your turn, just keep weaving between the oncoming cars until you get there. Reversing into a busy multi lane roundabout being pulled up by a police officer for it, arguing with the copper until the policemans mobile phone rings and while he is distracted continue reversing and drive off!

Time with the team either at an event or catching up at meals with retelling the days stories and antics is another special time each day. Hilarious times, headlamp dancing, gags and photo fun will be more items added to the list of things we will miss. Thank you to all the team players this trip.

The Nepali people have left an indelible mark on our hearts with their ability to welcome you into what ever enviroment, school, home, church, down town, is precious and much appreciated. So many people from many walks of life both churched and non have extended themselves in hospitality and we look forward to reacquainting with these soft and generous folk one day. We are not naive and realise that no nation is without an undesirable element in fact that is why we are here because of the damage they cause, but by and large the people are and have been wonderful and easy to love. The people we will miss the most.

Thank you Nepal,

The Parry family.

Saturday, 5th. Oct.  Church, Interviews and Germs

Today, Saturday, is the normal church day here as it is the only day off.  We went to one of the smaller churches and really enjoyed the joyful singing.  We have had a lot of sickness in the team, but they have soldiered on regardless.  We are praying Josh and Aaron will be OK for the concert on Monday.  We are expecting about 3,000 and it is really aimed at the younger generation.  There will be all sorts of singing and traditional dancing and some Bollywood dancing, bands and our Aussie boys, then Raju will preach the gospel.  I am really looking forward to it.  I might learn a few Bollywood moves.  Josh took out his little sponsor girl also.   I am sure he will write about that.  

Geoff and Gloria working on sponsorship programme.  Geoff with mask trying not to spread his germs


Thursday, 3 October 2013

Wednesday, 2 Oct.  Sorrow for two families.

This morning, we had a call to go to the half-way house as one of our women had learned that her mother had died suddenly.  5 of us walked over, and sat on the floor with her while she grieved.  All the other women sat with us also.  We prayed for her and found out a little about her situation.  The young woman had come to know The Lord when she came to the half- way house a few months ago.  She  had shared the gospel with her parents, who also believed so she has the knowledge that her mum has gone to be with The Lord.  She has to face that gruelling  bus trip of 19 or 20 hours to bury her mother and trek back again.  She gets motion sickness also.  Life is pretty tough here. Then  this afternoon, we heard of one of the church leaders, about four and a half hours away, died from a brain tumor, only about 25.  Raju had to go out there to perform the funeral.  

On the brighter side, we went to more hostels to photograph our girls, and Josh and Aaron came 

to sing to the girls.  They really loved it. I think they thought they had Justin Beber (don't know how to spell it.  Not a fan) in their midst.

Our front yard.

                                                                                           Our lovely caretakers, soon to be 3. 

                                                                        Rolex, anyone???????????

   Garbage collection.


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

<b><u>Notes from Nepal&nbsp;</u></b>

Our last few weeks in Nepal have been life changing for all of our family. In one of our debrief chats we each commented on the impact that our time here had wrought, without exception we each had been touched by the people, the customs, the culture, the landscape and the genuine transformation of the girls that we have witnessed.

Spending time most days with the girls has developed wonderful relationships that deepen as we share and spend time in each others company. The stories of past lives may seem distant but reality tells us that only a few months ago a life of struggle and hardship tore deep wounds that surface periodically. The grace that has been extended then floods over them and smiles quickly return, though the scars will take time to heal the outlook of the girls is extremely positive. Their past is behind them and the girls resolutely determine to look forward and upward. This touching recognition of transformation is something that cannot be witnessed and remain untouched.

The bus trip to the Surkhet province and the town of Chinnchiu was an epic ordeal as we negotiated mountain roads, Nepali passing manoeuvres on and off the road, live stock on the road, pedestrians on the road, hawkers on the road, amazing scenary that often slipped onto the road and military check points built on the road. These and the reshaping of your backside to the bus seating after twenty two hours made each rest stop a highly sort after time.

Once there, the school opening was attended by dignitaries and school officials in a formal ceremony that honoured the work in the community. Opportunities in this area abound and the relationships between the school, town leaders and local government are paramount. 

After the formal proceedings the youth concert was a time of full on celebration. The crowd packed the venue, hung out windows and doors to gain a vantage point. Pastor Raju was the first to jump on stage to party and from here the crowd spilt onto the stage to really get their groove on. A great time was enjoyed by all.

Our trip home strengthened relationships and gave us opportunity to experience Nepal like locals as our hosts showed us life through their eyes. Eating in local food stalls, stopping at Nepali haunts and learning to appreciate the culture without western influence was a real treat.

We begin again to interview and update photos this coming week and look forward to interacting with girls we are yet to meet. Hearing more stories and seeing God's heart of love poured into lives that respond in tangible ways, will no doubt impact us further.

Thanks for all your prayer support. We are all well and safe.

Geoff, Gloria, Aaron and Brooke Parry